Today there are a growing number of students just like you who are earning valuable degrees through online institutions. Upon graduation, you will face the prospect of seeking a job to put your hard-earned education and skills to good use. Here are five tips to help you find a great mental health counseling job right out of college.
- Work with Your College Career Center
One of the best ways to find a great position as a mental health counselor is to take advantage of university resources and networks. You can do this by using the job placement center at your institution. Often employers will do part or all of their recruiting at colleges where they have strong ties, and some of these employers may even be alumni who have gone on to work for hospitals, mental health clinics, or other organizations in your field.
- Find a Mentor
There are numerous studies showing the value of finding a mentor. If you’ve made a strong connection with your internship director, a supervising clinician, a professor, or another practicing professional, ask him or her to help you find employment. There are many ways these mentors can assist students; they can write strong letters of recommendation, hand deliver resumes to employers they have connections with, suggest potential job leads, and more.
- Join Professional Associations
There are many associations that provide networking and continuing education opportunities to mental health professionals. The American Counseling Association (ACA), the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA), and the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) are just a handful of the many specialized associations you can join. You can also check to see which organizations offer networking specifically for new counseling professionals; some may even offer job-search and interviewing tips.
- Use Your Social Networks
Your own social networks may prove to be a valuable ally as you search for a position in mental health counseling. In particular, LinkedIn has a number of tools that allow you to showcase your resume, relevant experience, research studies, associations, and other valuable information to attract prospective employers.
- Start Your Own Practice
If the job search doesn’t go as planned, you may just decide to do what many new graduates are doing today: Start your own practice! Small businesses are on the rise in America today, and small business owners also provide 55% of all new jobs according to the Small Business Administration (SBA). Whether you rent an office and share space with a colleague, go in with a few colleagues to start an interdisciplinary private practice, choose a specialty and start an outpatient clinic, or embrace some other business model, you will have the satisfaction of practicing your profession and the pride of owning your own business.